Wolves to pick at #7 in this year's draft

"As expected, we ended up with the seventh pick, our pre-lottery draft position," Wolves Vice President of Basketball operations Kevin McHale said. "This is a talented draft class, and we will be able to get a solid player to add to our nucleus with this selection."
The top three picks in this year's draft:
1) Portland
2) Seattle
3) Atlanta
Though the team's hold on the 7th spot was unsurprising, the results were still fairly disappointing. As Kent Youngblood/Star Tribune points out, it's very likely the Wolves will be seeing a lot of Greg Oden and Kevin Durant as the team's division rivals possess the top two picks. Also, a Wolves fan can't help but cringe upon realizing that both Portland and Minnesota had an equal chance (5.3%) of getting the top spot.
However, what stung the most was watching the Wolves 2006 draft pick. Rookie of the Year Brandon Roy was all smiles on center stage when it was announced that his team had won the #1 pick in this year's stellar draft.
Though the rookie had no direct impact on the lottery balls, Randy Foye was a very smart choice as the team's lottery representative. There is no one else within the organization, player or front-office type, who could have emerged relatively* unscathed by fan criticism or ridicule had he come home with anything less than the #1 pick. Even Garnett would have heard the word "unclutch" thrown around a few times.
*From KFAN/Dan Barreiro:
Roy brought home to the Blazers the spectacular No. 1 overall pick, Foye delivered the as-expected OK-but-not-great, No. 7 to the Wolves. Which summed up quite nicely what the two players brought to their respective squads in their rookie seasons.