Sunday, December 24, 2006

Store Owner Claims Eddie Griffin Made Threats

Abed Hassuneh, brother of the guy suing Eddie Griffin and owner of the store near which Griffin's infamous car accident occurred, called police on Thursday night saying Griffin and a friend had come into his store, called him at home via a store employee, and "threatened him and called him names."

"It's an uncivilized way of settling something," Hassuneh said Saturday. "He started making threats that he'd have people to deal with me."

Griffin confirmed to a reporter that he went to the store and had spoken with Hassuneh on the phone. "I went there yesterday and asked him why he was doing that," Griffin said late Friday. He said he told Hassuneh that an allegation that he was masturbating at the time of the accident was false and that nobody should have said that.

As for an assertion that he was angry and yelling on the phone, Griffin said, "They can say what they want."