Another Wolves/Celtics conspiracy theory
Staring at the desolate arena isn't half as bad as the front page of the Celtics site or the fact that Boston is already asking people to "get your big ticket." (Via True Hoop)
In any case, the letter on the left is one I found at this year's draft party at the positively dreadful bar that for some reason calls itself NBA City in spite of the fact that
1) on the night of the NBA draft lottery, my party had to plead with them for several minutes to convince them to televise the lottery instead of the Twins game
2) the bar shut the volume off during the first round of the actual NBA draft to set up for a (poorly attended) dance night.
Regardless, I found the letter amusing so took it home because its owner was nowhere to be found. I forgot all about it until yesterday when I read the columns from Simmons and Steve Aschburner. If ever Wolves fans needed a reason to laugh, it's now. Click on the letter to read. Obviously, this is to be taken with several grains of salt.