Wolves 107, Knicks 89

How long has it been since anyone's seen a pic of Garnett smiling during a game? The Wolves early, sustained lead made for a relaxed atmosphere among the few fans at tonight's game. Except for wondering why Mad Dog got so much playing time so early and Foye didn't (showcasing T-Hud?), this was the first game of the season in which one could comfortably sit back in the seat as opposed to on the edge of it. Granted, one dude I ran into described the game as "boring" but I guarantee he hadn't sat through the last few games.
I knew it was going to be a fun night when I looked at the Knicks website prior to the game and it referred to tonight's matchup as "David Lee and the New York Knicks face Kevin Garnett and the Minnesota Timberwolves." I really hope someone asked Starbury about that.
Steve Aschburner/Star Tribune recap.
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